Polypropylene Manufacturing Plants Close Across the Globe, Prices Soar for FIBC

With China being the leading producer of polypropylene (PP) and most FIBCs being sourced from overseas manufacturers, U.S. PP distributors are largely dependent on international suppliers.

Due to massive polypropylene manufacturing plant shutdowns across the globe, FIBC bag prices have …

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How to Ship Bulk Cargo With FIBC Bags

During your business operations, you may often need to ship bulk cargo like sand, gravel, seeds, grains or coffee beans. One excellent method is to use flexible intermediate bulk containers (FIBCs). These dependable bulk bags make loading and transporting bulk …

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How to Pick the Right FIBC Bulk Bags for Your Business 

When you’re looking for FIBC bulk bags for sale, you need a way to ensure you get the right ones for your business. Each type of flexible intermediate bulk container (FIBC) has advantages for different applications, especially in industries like …

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How Many Bulk Bags Do I Need?

Bulk bags are a safe, efficient way to store and transport items in all industries, including agricultural, food processing, construction and chemical projects. They are lightweight without sacrificing durability, which makes them easy to handle and cost-effective. 

If you’ve decided …

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Gaylord Box vs. FIBC Bulk Bags

Gaylord Boxes vs FIBC Bulk Bags

If your business involves goods that require storing or shipping, you may have been using Gaylord boxes for these purposes. If you haven’t, you may be wondering if Gaylord boxes are the right storage vehicle for you. There are many …

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How to Assess the Quality of an FIBC

How to Assess the Quality of an FIBC

Using reconditioned bags for storage can reduce waste in landfills and cut costs for those who use the bags. Reconditioned bags perform like new bags and cost less. Their performance comes from an intense process of bag cleaning and restoring, …

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How to Reduce Shipping Costs

How to reduce shipping costs

Maintaining an organized and efficient company can become expensive when you factor in equipment costs, payroll, supplies, maintenance expenses, inventory control and facility upkeep. Controlling operating costs and staying on a budget with increasing competition and rising shipping expenses can …

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How to Double Stack Bulk Bags

One of the most significant problems with flexible intermediate bulk containers (FIBCs) that many companies face is the ability to store them efficiently and safely. Many companies use wooden pallets to store their bulk bags, but these are often wasteful, …

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How Do I Safely Transport a Bulk Bag by Forklift?

If you use FIBCs in your business, you probably have occasion to transport them from place to place. One of the great advantages of bulk bags is how easily they allow you to move your goods. But what is the …

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Guide to Shipping FIBC Bulk via Shipping Containers

guide to shipping FIBC bulk via shipping containers

Flexible intermediate bulk containers, or FIBCs, are today’s preferred choice for bulk shipping dry particulate materials. Also called bulk bags or big bags, FIBCs are the perfect containers for storing and shipping a wide variety of products. They’re used everywhere …

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Bulk Bag Lifting Guidelines

You may have a strong grasp of how to load and unload your FIBCs — but what about lifting them? Are there any bulk bags lifting guidelines as to the safest and most efficient way to pick up FIBCs? Bulk …

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Guide to Bulk Bag Loading Equipment

Bulk Bag Loading Equipment

Bulk bags, also known as flexible intermediate bulk containers (FIBCs), are handy for transporting bulk materials. They are easy to lift by their loops, store on pallets and transport to their destinations.

But loading bulk bags can be a challenging …

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How Much Does a Bulk Bag Hold?

Bulk bags, also known as flexible intermediate bulk containers (FIBCs), offer many rewarding benefits for businesses. They are dependable, lightweight, portable and stowable, and they offer the lowest package-to-product weight of any intermediate industrial container. They are suitable for use …

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What Are Bulk Bags Made Of?

What Are Bulk Bags Made Of?

If your business deals with large quantities of materials, you need a reliable and convenient method of storing and transporting them. In that case, look no further than refurbished bulk bags made from woven plastic.

Refurbished bulk bags are sturdy, …

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